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Hotel near Teatro Verdi Florence 3
Hotel near Teatro Verdi Florence 4

Hotel near Teatro Verdi Florence

The Hotel Regency near Teatro Verdi, welcomes guests to the central Piazza Massimo D'Azeglio in Florence.

Among the hotel's strengths is its proximity to the city's historic theater, which is only one kilometer away.

It can be reached on foot in less than 15 minutes by walking along Via Vittorio Alfieri, Via Luigi Carlo Farini, Via dei Pilastri, Via dei Pepi, and Via Ghibellina.

The theater is at Via Ghibellina 99, in the block between the latter, Via Verdi and Via dell'Isola delle Stinche.

5-star hotel near Florence's Teatro Verdi

Teatro Verdi, originally known as Teatro Pagliano, was built in 1854 on the site where the Stinche prison and the Arte della Lana washhouse were once located.

The Pagliano Theater was built to the design of architect Telemaco Buonaiuti.

It had an ovoid floor plan, with a large hall, stalls and six tiers of boxes.

It could seat up to 4,000 spectators and boasted paintings by Luigi Dell'Era and Cesare Maffei, as well as a curtain depicting the Disfida di Barletta by Bandinelli.

It was inaugurated in 1854 with the opera Rigoletto and later hosted opera and repertory performances.

In 1901 it was named after Luigi Cherubini and then Giuseppe Verdi.

It began to host more varied events, shows and film performances to meet the changing tastes of the public.

Luxury hotel near Teatro Verdi in Florence

In the immediate post-World War II period, the theater and relevant premises were totally renovated, the old structures were consolidated, and the capacity of the hall was increased.

From the 1960s it began to host international and pop music stars, initiating a new phase.

Since World War II it has hosted the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino events, revue and light comedy shows while also increasing film programming.

Artists such as Totò, Macario, Wanda Osiris, Walter Chiari, Carmelo Bene, Maurice Béjart, Roland Petit have performed here.

Discover Hotel Regency, near the Teatro Verdi in Florence.

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